Alianzas para el desarrollo de capacidades en el sector del agua y los saneamientos en los países ACP.
Código de ayuda:
EuropeAid/129510/C/ACT/MultiPlazo de Solicitud:
Hasta el 06/10/2010.Finalidad u objetivo de la ayuda:
The specific objectives of the 10th European Development Fund ACP-EU Water Facility are:• To help achieve the water and sanitation MDGs which is to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, vital in themselves but also key prerequisites for reducing child and maternal mortality (MDGs 4 & 5) and combating diseases (MDG 6)
• To contribute to improving water governance and management of water resources and to the sustainable development and maintenance of water infrastructure.
This Call for Proposals4 addresses the second of the abovementioned specific objectives. The purpose is to provide funding for:
• Partnership projects (North-South and South-South) to develop capacity in the ACP water & sanitation sector, leading to better water and sanitation governance and management, and to the sustainable development and maintenance of infrastructure.
This Call for Proposals encourages partnership projects that also:
• Contribute to developing or implementing national and regional water and sanitation strategies and programmes.
• Actively involve local Non State Actors (NSAs).
Categorías Subvención
- Medio Ambiente y Energía
Localización del organismo gestor
Unión Europea
Comisión Europea ( Unión Europea)¿Cuánto dinero puedes obtener con esta ayuda?
Any grant awarded under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:• minimum amount: €250,000
• maximum amount: €1,000,000
In addition, no grant may exceed 75 % of the total eligible costs of the action (see also section 2.1.4). The balance must be financed from the applicant's or partners' own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget or the European Development Fund.
Beneficiarios. ¿Quién puede solicitar esta ayuda?
- Autónomos
- Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
- Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
- Microempresas (menos de 10 empleados)
- Particulares / Personas físicas
- Pymes (menos de 250 empleados)
- Sociedades Civiles
Detalle beneficiarios:
The lead organisation and principal implementing partner within the partnership, responsible forsubmitting the application and receiving the grant, and who will provide training and/or capacity development to the beneficiary partner(s).
¿Qué gastos o inversiones que realices te pueden subvencionar?
There are a broad range of themes including:• Good governance and integrated water resource management (IWRM)
• System maintenance and improvement (including leakage reduction)
• Water quality testing
• Water resources protection and pollution prevention including preliminary studies to assess the state of water resources & necessity and scale of infrastructure developments
• Improving efficiency in management practices
• Labour management tools
• Accessing investment finance
• Methodologies for expanding access to the poor
• Building a participatory process to allow consensual institution-building within local politics
• Awareness-raising and institutional support such as the reinforcement of the municipalities’ management and control capabilities, in-house organisational restructuring or the development of transparency and accountability practices through the involvement of local civil society organisations.
• be legal persons and• be nationals6 of a Member State of the European Union or of one of the ACP countries7 and
• be water and sanitation utilities or local authorities8 or other water sector organisations and
• be the lead organisation within the partnership and
• be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners, not acting as an intermediary and
• be able to demonstrate that they have been constituted & registered in accordance with the legislation in force in the country concerned.
Documentos asociados
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº 00
Documento: Convocatoria de Propuestas. Descargar Documento
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº 00
Documento: Convocatoria de Propuestas. Descargar Documento