Convocatoria de propuestas restringida. Referencia: EuropeAid/130355/C/ACT/Multi. Invertir en las personas. Buena salud para todos. Proyectos de actores no estatales relacionados con la prevención, el tratamiento y la curación del HIV-Sida en los países vecinos y socios de la Unión Europea.
Código de ayuda:
EuropeAid/130355/C/ACT/Multi.Plazo de Solicitud:
Hasta el 16 de septiembre de 2010.Finalidad u objetivo de la ayuda:
The overall objective of the call is to support capacity building among Non State Actors (NSAs) for animproved access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care in the ENPI-East region.
Categorías Subvención
- Asociacionismo y Voluntariado
- Sanidad, Servicios Sociales y Mayores
Localización del organismo gestor
Unión Europea
Comisión Europea ( Unión Europea)¿Cuánto dinero puedes obtener con esta ayuda?
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximumamounts:
a) For projects of regional type (implemented in more than one ENPI East country: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Russian Federation):
- Minimum amount: EUR 300 000
- Maximum amount: EUR 1 000 000
b) For projects of national type (implemented in one single ENPI East country: Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Russian Federation):
- Minimum amount: EUR 150 000
- Maximum amount: EUR 500 000
A grant may not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the action (see also section 2.1.4). The balance
must be financed from the applicant's or partners' own resources, or from sources other than the European
Union budget or the European Development Fund.
Furthermore, a grant may not exceed 50% of the total eligible costs of the action when the applicant is an international (intergovernmental) organisation11, as defined by Article 43 of the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation.
Beneficiarios. ¿Quién puede solicitar esta ayuda?
- Asociaciones
- Entidades sin ánimo de lucro, Ong´s
- Fundaciones
Detalle beneficiarios:
Any organization that meets the requirements.¿Qué gastos o inversiones que realices te pueden subvencionar?
Actions must focus on minimum two of the following themes:1) Strengthening the advocacy skills of NSA to lobby effectively for improved access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support, especially for people living with HIV, adolescents and vulnerable groups such as women, prisoners, migrant workers, men having sex with men (MSM), sex workers and injecting drug users.
2) Actions enhancing the quality of services provided by NSA and public sector and the integration of prevention, treatment and care services.
3) Actions strengthening partnerships and coordination among NSA and, if relevant, with public bodies in a country or on a regional level, actions supporting development of regional ownership strategies and the exchange of lessons learned and good practice in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatments and care.
4) HIV prevention with a special emphasis on adolescent and key populations at most risk such as injecting drug users, migrant workers, men having sex with men (MSM), sex workers, women, prisoners and actions providing support, treatment and care to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
The activities can take the form of consolidating or establishing networks, regional support centres,
information channels, learning tools and other support mechanisms to disseminate best practices, advocacy
towards policy makers, share information and lessons learnt, develop and sustain NSA capacity to act on
HIV/AIDS advocacy and support, promote rights, reduce stigma and discrimination, voluntary counseling
and testing (VCT), care and support to PLWHA, harm reduction, treatment of opportunistic infections,
information campaigns and other prevention methods etc.
Depending on the local setting and needs and the availability of existing networks or regional support
centres, consolidation of existing networks and partnerships is encouraged instead of creating parallel
In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:a)Be legal persons.
b) Be non-profit making.
c) Belong to one of the following categories:
- For actions taking place in one country only, non governmental organisations14 and other non-State
- For regional actions, non governmental organisations and other non-State actors or international and regional intergovernmental organisations as defined by Article 43 of the Implementing Rules to the EC Financial Regulation17.
d) Be nationals18 of an eligible country under the Development Cooperation Instrument as listed in the Annex K.
- For actions taking place in one country only, be national19 of that country (Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russian Federation).
- For regional actions, be national of one of the country where the action is to take place (Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russian Federation). Organisations from the abovementioned categories having the nationality of a Member State of the European Union, of the European Economic Area (EEA)20 or of an Official Candidate Country21 may also apply.
e) Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the actions, not acting as an intermediary.
Documentos asociados
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº 00
Documento: Convocatoria de Propuestas. Descargar Documento
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº 00
Documento: Convocatoria de Propuestas. Descargar Documento