Convocatoria para Organizaciones No Gubernamentales que representen y defiendan los derechos del pueblo gitano.

Código de ayuda:



Convocatoria de propuestas VP/2005/013.

Plazo de Solicitud:

Fecha Fin: 25/07/2005

Finalidad u objetivo de la ayuda:

The Commission is committed to provide the means deemed appropriate and necessary towards the reinforcement of the capacity of the non governmental Roma organisations to challenge equality and non-discrimination for Roma people.

Categorías Subvención

  • Asociacionismo y Voluntariado
  • Cooperación al Desarrollo e Inmigración / Emigración

Localización del organismo gestor

Unión Europea


Comisión Europea ( Unión Europea)

¿Cuánto dinero puedes obtener con esta ayuda?

The budget made available under this Call is approximately € 120,000.
The Community financial contribution would not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs.
The Commission proposes to fund 1 European-level Roma non governmental organisation.

Beneficiarios. ¿Quién puede solicitar esta ayuda?

  • Asociaciones
  • Entidades sin ánimo de lucro, Ong´s
  • Fundaciones

Detalle beneficiarios:

Non governmental organisations.

¿Qué gastos o inversiones que realices te pueden subvencionar?

Priority 1: Capacity Building
Activities within this priority area should include at least one of the following lines of action:
1. The development of a feasibility study and/or business plan on how to improve Roma organisations' capacity at the national and at the European level to present and convey demands for equal treatment and non discrimination in various sectors;
2. The development of a feasibility study and/or business plan on how to expand the European Roma network to include new national members, from existing Member States or candidate countries.

Priority 2: Developing the skills in the advocacy for Roma rights and responsibilities

Priority 3: Build awareness and support on the rights of Roma people

Documentos asociados

Boletín: 00/00/0000
Otro- Nº Web de la UE
Documento: Convocatoria VP/2005/013 Descargar Documento
Boletín: 00/00/0000
Otro- Nº Web de la UE
Documento: Financial information Descargar Documento
Boletín: 00/00/0000
Otro- Nº Web de la UE
Documento: Operating Grant Agreement Descargar Documento