Mejora de la experiencia en el ámbito de las relaciones laborales. Convocatoria 2017.
Código de ayuda:
VP/2017/004.Plazo de Solicitud:
Hasta el 15 de junio de 2017.Finalidad u objetivo de la ayuda:
The overarching objective of this call is to improve expertise and knowledge on industrial relations through activities of analysis and research, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), hereby contributing to developing and reinforcing quality and effectiveness of industrial relations structures and processes in the Member States and in Europe as a whole."Industrial relations" concern the collective – rather than individual – aspects of the employment relationship between workers, employers and their respective representatives. This includes the tripartite dimension where public authorities (at different levels) are involved. As such, industrial relations refer to the set of rules governing employment and relations at the workplace, together with the ways in which the rules are made, changed, interpreted and implemented by trade unions, employers and the state.
Topics of specific interest:
Actions that address the following themes will be particularly welcome:
 The role and contribution of industrial relations structures, including social dialogue, in responding to the major challenges/opportunities brought by globalisation, demographic evolutions, climate change and technological change;
 The contribution of industrial relations structures, including social dialogue, to reaching economic and social outcomes in terms of: economic growth and competitiveness; social inclusion and fairness; job creation and job quality;
 The role of industrial relations structures, including social dialogue, in the context of the European Semester and Economic and Monetary Union;
 The impact of coordination of collective bargaining across different levels and territories.
General remark:
Access for people with disabilities should be guaranteed for measures funded under this call for proposals.
Categorías Subvención
- Empleo
- Prevención Riesgos Laborales
- Recursos Humanos
Localización del organismo gestor
Unión Europea
Comisión Europea ( Unión Europea)Beneficiarios. ¿Quién puede solicitar esta ayuda?
- Asociaciones
- Entidades sin ánimo de lucro, Ong´s
- Fundaciones
- Organismos / Entidades Públicas
- Organizaciones Empresariales y Sindicales
- Universidades Públicas y Privadas / Centros de Enseñanza
Detalle beneficiarios:
Types of entities: Lead and co-applicants must fall within one of the following categories: nonprofit-making organisations such as universities and research institutes; social partners; public authorities; international organisations.
 The lead and co-applicants must be legal entities. In application of Article 131 of the Financial Regulation, social partner organisations without legal personality are also eligible provided that the conditions of the Financial Regulation related thereto are met.
Affiliated entities:
Legal entities having a legal or capital link with applicants, which is neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation and which satisfy the eligibility criteria, may take part in the action as affiliated entities, and may declare eligible costs.
¿Qué gastos o inversiones que realices te pueden subvencionar?
 Activities to further deepen the analysis on topics/key findings that were examined in the European Commission's Industrial Relations in Europe series and/or the chapters on social dialogue in Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2015 and 2016; Research activities such as studies, surveys and other forms of data collection, monitoring exercises, action research;
 Measures to enhance the collection and use of (comparative) information on industrial relations systems in EU Member States and Candidate Countries and on developments at European level;
 Initiatives to promote awareness of effective industrial relations practices, at both national and European level, including by bringing together relevant actors such as academia, social partners and policy makers;
 Measures to identify and exchange information in the area of industrial relations, including through the activities of networks between industrial relations parties and/or experts;
 Actions to disseminate such findings in publications, round tables, seminars, conferences, training measures and training tools.
Measures mainly aimed at directly supporting European social partners’ initiatives and processes, such as consultations, meetings, negotiations and other actions related to the work of European Social Dialogue Committees at both sectoral and cross-industry level, are not covered by this call for proposals. These types of actions are funded under the call for proposals "Support for Social Dialogue".
Documentos asociados
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº
Documento: Convocatoria 2017 y Anexos Descargar Documento
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº
Documento: Convocatoria 2017 y Anexos Descargar Documento