Programa de Trabajo "Personas 2010" del Séptimo Programa Marco de la Comunidad Europea de acciones de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico y demostración.
Código de ayuda:
(2009/C 242/03)Plazo de Solicitud:
Hasta el 07/09/2010Finalidad u objetivo de la ayuda:
- Marie Curie European Re-integration Grants (ERG):Support for training and career development of researchers.
- Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants (IRG):
Support for training and career development of researchers.
Categorías Subvención
- I + D + i (Investigación+Desarrollo+Innovación)
Localización del organismo gestor
Unión Europea
Comisión Europea ( Unión Europea)¿Cuánto dinero puedes obtener con esta ayuda?
Indicative budget: EUR 32 million of the 2010 budget1 (of which approximately 1/2 for each evaluation round following the cut-off dates). The final budget awarded to this call, following the evaluation, may vary up to 10% of the total value of this call.Beneficiarios. ¿Quién puede solicitar esta ayuda?
- Asociaciones
- Autónomos
- Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
- Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
- Entidades sin ánimo de lucro, Ong´s
- Fundaciones
- Microempresas (menos de 10 empleados)
- Particulares / Personas físicas
- Pymes (menos de 250 empleados)
- Sociedades Civiles
Detalle beneficiarios:
The application is made jointly by a researcher and a host organisation.Applicant host organisations must be active in research and located in a Member State or Associated country. These actions address researchers who, at the relevant cut-off date, correspond to the definition of "experienced researchers".
- For ERG: The researcher must be benefiting at the time of application or have previously benefited from a training and mobility action under the 7th or one of the previous Framework Programmes2 of at least 18 months full-time equivalent. Applications will have to be submitted at the earliest one year before the end of the initial Marie Curie fellowship and not later than six months following its end. Projects must be between 24 and 36 months.- For IRG: The researcher must - at the relevant cut-off date - be a national of a Member States or Associated country, and have been active in research in a "third country" for at least 3 years full-time equivalent. In addition, the researcher must not have pent more than 12 months in a Member State or
Associated country during the three years prior to the cut-off date. Projects must be between 24 and 48 months.
Documentos asociados
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº C 242/19
Documento: Convocatoria de propuestas. Descargar Documento
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº C 242/19
Documento: Convocatoria de propuestas. Descargar Documento