Proyecto piloto prevención abusos de la tercera edad.
Código de ayuda:
VP/2010/015Plazo de Solicitud:
Hasta el 11/08/2010Finalidad u objetivo de la ayuda:
The aim of this call for proposals is to offer grant funding to one applicant which may involve not-for-profit organisations including public authorities, universities and research centres and civil society/stakeholder organisations. The grant will be awarded for a project that will examine how existing recommendations and charters at national and European level on the rights of older people in need of long-term care and assistance can be implemented and how this process can be supported. Attention should be paidparticularly to vulnerable older persons like those with disabilities.
Categorías Subvención
- Asociacionismo y Voluntariado
- Recursos Humanos
- Sanidad, Servicios Sociales y Mayores
Localización del organismo gestor
Unión Europea
Comisión Europea ( Unión Europea)¿Cuánto dinero puedes obtener con esta ayuda?
The budget earmarked for the co-financing of the project selected under this call for proposals is four hundred and fifty thousand Euros (€ 450,000).The maximum EU financial contribution will not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs for the selected project.
The European Commission reserves the right not to distribute the funds available if the quality of the applications received does not merit it.
Beneficiarios. ¿Quién puede solicitar esta ayuda?
- Asociaciones
- Autónomos
- Ayuntamientos/Municipios
- Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
- Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
- Entidades sin ánimo de lucro, Ong´s
- Fundaciones
- Microempresas (menos de 10 empleados)
- Organismos / Entidades Públicas
- Pymes (menos de 250 empleados)
- Sociedades Civiles
Detalle beneficiarios:
- Eligible countriesApplications may only be submitted by organisations legally established in one of the 27
Member States.
- Eligible organisations
To be eligible, applicants must:
• certify that they are not in one of the situations listed in Articles 93(1), 94 and 96(2) of the Financial Regulation11. The applicant organisation's legal representative must sign a Declaration on honour.
• have a legally non-profit status, including public authorities and agencies which are part of public health and long-term care systems, universities and research centres and civil society/stakeholder organisations;
• be a properly constituted and registered legal entity in a Member State. In application of Article 114 of the Financial Regulation, social partners' organisations without legal personality are also eligible provided their representatives have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf and assume financial liability.
¿Qué gastos o inversiones que realices te pueden subvencionar?
The purpose of the grant to be awarded will be to finance an initiative designed:(1) to organise in various Member States a reflection exercise, bringing together representatives from all areas responsible for care in old age (public authorities, longterm care insurance funds, care providers, bodies responsible for the supervision of care institutions and care services etc.) as well as organisations representing older people and the users of long-term care services like some person with disabilities, that should discuss how recommendations and charters at European and national level can be
implemented and identify existing obstacles in this regard;
(2) to draw lessons from this reflection exercise and to produce instruments for supporting the implementation of existing recommendations and charters at national and European level in Member States (e.g. implementation guidelines, checklists, control mechanism) and
(3) to prepare a final conference (agenda, speakers) where the project results could be presented and discussed.
Documentos asociados
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº 00
Documento: Convocatoria de propuestas Descargar Documento
DOCE Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas- Nº 00
Documento: Convocatoria de propuestas Descargar Documento